The State of Internet Marketing

The Internet Marketing and "Make Money Online" industries have evolved over the last several years. While exact-match-domains and SEO may have been all the rage in the recent past, things have changed. Social media is where it’s at now – and where it will be in the foreseeable future. If you want to make money online, you need to go where your audience is – and this guide will show you how to do exactly that.

Instead of spending hours, days, weeks, and months on tiresome and often ineffective SEO tricks (link-wheels, PBNs, guest-posting, etc.) and waiting months to see results, smart marketers who are successful at making money online have turned their attention to social media. They’ve done so because social media allows them to build brand awareness and it allows them to produce IMMEDIATE and MEASURABLE results.

The best thing about social media marketing – at least right now – is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. Anyone who tells you that you need to spend thousands of dollars and have deep pockets to advertise on social media clearly has no idea how it works. A budget of just $5 per day can produce MASSIVE results. Don’t miss the boat!

Because social media is such an important vehicle for reaching customers, it’s imperative that you learn how to harness it. Do you have to be a social media marketing expert? Of course not! You just need to be competent – and you can learn to be competent on a budget of just $5/day. If you follow the social media approach to making money online that is discussed in this series, you will very often see results within DAYS. I mean, a Facebook fan page with as few as 2000 fans (which should cost no more than $100 to obtain) can drive significant traffic to a website – provided you follow what I’ve outlined to the letter.

Are you ready to take advantage of a legitimate way to leverage social media marketing to make money online? If so, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get reading!

I know, it’s quite a bit to take in all at once but it’s worth the read if you expect to make any money online.

If you’d rather download this series in PDF format for convenient reading, click here.